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Throughout this section we will be using an extended version of the Backus-Naur Form (BNF) to describe the syntax of DependoBuf. The following table describes the symbols used in the notation:

Notation Examples Description
\(pat\) \(lc\_letter\) A non-terminal production.
\(::=\) \(a ::= \texttt{a}\) Definition. Represents the definition of a non-terminal.
\(\texttt{literal}\) \(\texttt{message}\) Terminal syntax. Represents exactly the characters you see.
\(\mid\) \(\texttt{a} \mid \texttt{b}\) Alternation. Represents a choice between two or more alternatives.
\([pat]\) \([lc\_letter]\) Optional. Represents zero or one occurrences of the enclosed pattern.
\(\lbrace pat\rbrace\) \(\lbrace lc\_letter\rbrace\) Repetition. Represents zero or more occurrences of the enclosed pattern.
\(\lgroup pat\rgroup\) \(\lgroup lc\_letter\rgroup\) Grouping. Represents a group of patterns.
\(pat_{\langle excl \rangle}\) \(lc\_letter_{\langle \texttt{a} \mid \texttt{b}\rangle}\) Exclusion. Represents the pattern except for the excluded characters.

It is important to note the distinction between \(\mid\) and \(\texttt{|}\) and between \(\lbrace \rbrace\) and \(\texttt{\{} \texttt{\}}\), however it should be clear from the context which one is being used.